The mission’s primary science goal is to characterise, for the first time, a dynamically-new comet or interstellar object, including its surface composition, shape, and structure, the composition of its gas coma. A unique, multi-point ‘snapshot’ measurement of the comet- solar wind interaction region is to be obtained, complementing single spacecraft observations made at other comets.
Additional science will include multi-point studies of the solar wind pre- and post-encounter over gradually-changing separation distances.
The proposed instruments for the main and an accompanying spacecraft are the following:
Spacecraft A: (ESA)
Spacecraft B1: (JAXA)
Spacecraft B2: (ESA)
Additional science will include multi-point studies of the solar wind pre- and post-encounter over gradually-changing separation distances.
The proposed instruments for the main and an accompanying spacecraft are the following:
Spacecraft A: (ESA)
- CoCa: Comet Camera - to obtain high resolution images of the comet's nucleus at several wavelengths.
- MANIaC: Mass Analyzer for Neutrals in a Coma - a mass spectrometer to sample the gases released from the comet.
- MIRMIS: Multispectral InfraRed Molecular and Ices Sensor - to measure the heat radiation being released from the comet's nucleus and study the molecular composition of the gas coma.
- DFP : Dust, Field, and Plasma - to understand the charged gases, energetic neutral atoms, magnetic fields, and dust surrounding the comet.
Spacecraft B1: (JAXA)
- HI: Hydrogen Imager - UV camera devoted to studying the cloud of hydrogen gas surrounding the target
- PS: Plasma Suite - to study the charged gases and magnetic field around the target
- WAC: Wide Angle Camera - to take images of the nucleus around closest approach from an unique viewpoint
Spacecraft B2: (ESA)
- OPIC: Optical Imager for Comets - mapping of the nucleus and its dust jets at different visible and infrared wavelengths.
- EnVisS: Entire Visible Sky coma mapper - to map the entire sky within the comet's head and near-tail, to reveal changing structures within the dust, neutral gas, and ionized gases.
- DFP : Dust, Field, and Plasma - a subset of DFP sensors on spacecraft A.