2022 July 6-8 Team Meeting, University of Oxford, UK
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Day 1 - Wednesday, 6 July 2022
1400 Welcome and Local Information
1410 Update and discussion on adoption, SWT, and working groups - day1_1400_2022_07_06_comet-i_overviewandupdate.pdf
1530 Coffee break
1600 Target Selection & Ground-based observations
Colin Snodgrass + Matthew Knight: Summaries of target ID and ground observation activities
Elena Mazzotta Epifani: “Imaging LPCs at large heliocentric distance.”
Carrie Holt: “Monitoring newly discovered distant long-period comets using 1-m and 4-m telescopes since August 2020 to investigate how activity evolves with heliocentric distance.”
Mark Kidger: Photometric monitoring of C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
1730: AOB/ Open mic
1800: End of Day 1
Day 2 - Thursday, 7 July 2022
1000: Update from ESA Project Manager
1025: Update from JAXA PI
1045: Q&A
Spacecraft A and B2 instrument overviews and updates
1045: CoCa – N. Thomas
1105: MIRMIS – N. Bowles
1125: MANiaC – M. Rubin
1145: Coffee Break
1200: OPIC – M. Pajusalu
1220: EnVisS – V. Da Deppo
1240-1400: Lunch
1400: DFP Overview, plus DAPU/PSU – H. Rothkaehl
1415: DISC – V. Della Corte
1430: FGM-A – U. Auster
1445: FGM-B2 – M. Galand
1500: SCIENA – H. Nilsson
1515: LEES – L. Prech
1530: COMPLIMENT – P. Henri
1545: Coffee Break
Science Presentations
1615: Konrad Kossacki: "Equations for the rate of outgassing of cometary analogues: experimental tests". [pre-publication material; not shared]
1635: Fredrik Johansson: "Secondary emission from neutral impact & Spacecraft charging on Comet Interceptor"
1650: Mark Kidger + Michael Kueppers: Back-up targets and the implications for mission science of going to each of the back-ups.
1710: Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre: “Coupled thermal and dynamical processing of comets, and the formation and evolution of pits”
1730: Manuela Lippi: ”Updated molecular abundances in 20 comets as measured from IR ground based spectroscopy"
1750: End of Day 2
1900: Social event, Museum of Natural History
Day 3 - Friday, 8 July 2022
Spacecraft B1 instrument overviews and updates
1000: HI – K. Yoshioka
1020: WAC/NAC – N. Sakatani
1040: PS – S. Kasahara
1100: Coffee Break
Publications and Outreach
1130: Publication Plans (merged with 1200 presentation)
1145: Visualisation of the Comet Encounter - M. Kueppers and J. Fernández Diz
1200: Outreach and Media; Next steps and any other business
1230: End of Day 3
Day 1 - Wednesday, 6 July 2022
1400 Welcome and Local Information
1410 Update and discussion on adoption, SWT, and working groups - day1_1400_2022_07_06_comet-i_overviewandupdate.pdf
1530 Coffee break
1600 Target Selection & Ground-based observations
Colin Snodgrass + Matthew Knight: Summaries of target ID and ground observation activities
Elena Mazzotta Epifani: “Imaging LPCs at large heliocentric distance.”
Carrie Holt: “Monitoring newly discovered distant long-period comets using 1-m and 4-m telescopes since August 2020 to investigate how activity evolves with heliocentric distance.”
Mark Kidger: Photometric monitoring of C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
1730: AOB/ Open mic
1800: End of Day 1
Day 2 - Thursday, 7 July 2022
1000: Update from ESA Project Manager
1025: Update from JAXA PI
1045: Q&A
Spacecraft A and B2 instrument overviews and updates
1045: CoCa – N. Thomas
1105: MIRMIS – N. Bowles
1125: MANiaC – M. Rubin
1145: Coffee Break
1200: OPIC – M. Pajusalu
1220: EnVisS – V. Da Deppo
1240-1400: Lunch
1400: DFP Overview, plus DAPU/PSU – H. Rothkaehl
1415: DISC – V. Della Corte
1430: FGM-A – U. Auster
1445: FGM-B2 – M. Galand
1500: SCIENA – H. Nilsson
1515: LEES – L. Prech
1530: COMPLIMENT – P. Henri
1545: Coffee Break
Science Presentations
1615: Konrad Kossacki: "Equations for the rate of outgassing of cometary analogues: experimental tests". [pre-publication material; not shared]
1635: Fredrik Johansson: "Secondary emission from neutral impact & Spacecraft charging on Comet Interceptor"
1650: Mark Kidger + Michael Kueppers: Back-up targets and the implications for mission science of going to each of the back-ups.
1710: Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre: “Coupled thermal and dynamical processing of comets, and the formation and evolution of pits”
1730: Manuela Lippi: ”Updated molecular abundances in 20 comets as measured from IR ground based spectroscopy"
1750: End of Day 2
1900: Social event, Museum of Natural History
Day 3 - Friday, 8 July 2022
Spacecraft B1 instrument overviews and updates
1000: HI – K. Yoshioka
1020: WAC/NAC – N. Sakatani
1040: PS – S. Kasahara
1100: Coffee Break
Publications and Outreach
1130: Publication Plans (merged with 1200 presentation)
1145: Visualisation of the Comet Encounter - M. Kueppers and J. Fernández Diz
1200: Outreach and Media; Next steps and any other business
1230: End of Day 3